Property Prices from 1970 to 2016: Stats speaks themselves

Buying a property was difficult in 1970s and 1980s as well but how much difficult is a question we need to analyse. In 1960s median price for property was $7,000 and average individual salary was $2073. In 1980 median price of properties in Australia was $44,800 and average Austrian individual salary for $12,580. Which accounted to a ratio of approximately 3.5 times the average salary to property median price. This ratio was escalated to 8 times in 2010 with average salary being $57,691 to $481,310 median price. [...]

Smart Investors get richer just not by luck but with awareness and knowledge

It’s the time to evaluate your borrowing capacity and explore the potential options to invest based on your borrowing and serviceability. If the borrowing is less than $450,000 then there are good options to invest in Tasmania or Queensland, if borrowing is above $450,000 than Melbourne outer suburbs will be good to invest. Race for utilising investment opportunity is still on and if its missed now will be missed for long time.[...]

First Home Buyer Dream a tougher reality then it appears

In 1960 median property price(Australia) was $7,000 and average annual income(Individual) was $2073, which was approximately 3.5 times that of the median price. In 1980 average income was $44,800 and median price was $12,580. Whereas, in 2010 was roughly 8 times.Now in 2018, median property price is $809,201 and average individual salary is $65,577, which is approximately 12 times to median property price. Buyers in 2010 also used to think to property prices are very high and today also think they are very high. Now question remains on you to decide which of them was a better time.[...]

Opportunity to invest: Queensland regaining its population faster than you think

Queensland and Victoria have seen a massive influx of interstate population. Due to Property Prices and living expenses increasing in Sydney lots of people have started to migrate to alternate options for better affordability and have a maintained lifestyle. Western Australia have seen harsh time experiencing mining industry to saturate and resulted in inter-state migration in search of better job opportunities.[...]