Smart Investors get richer just not by luck but with awareness and knowledge

This report was published in February 2016 in Herald Sun stating the Sky-High train running nine meters above the ground on the busiest rail line. The report stated five new stations to be built with 225 sq. km of the public land opened under the overhead. An anticipated job creation of 2000 jobs were expected.

Now let’s turn the clock to present, did we not see the price escalation in South Eastern Suburbs in recent 5 years? Are we not seeing the station been built and prices still going skyrocketing? Did we not experience the population growth concentration in South Eastern Suburbs?

Then it’s the time to ask yourself why didn’t, I invested in South East Melbourne even after knowing all this if you haven’t. Why was I being sceptical when smart investors were investing in South East. House Prices in Oakleigh, Carnegie, Caulfield, Clayton, Mulgrave, Malvern and Glen Waverly has had more than two folds in last 5 years and still increasing. If I haven’t invested at the right time, I will have a regret for my life time as now I can’t afford with my fixed salary or business income.

Now the question arises is this the end of world and there is no other opportunity for me? Answer to this question is NO, a big NO. Because there had always been opportunity and will always be in future. Now to explore and find the right Hotspots is highly recommended to seek some expert advice and take a wise decision based on their research and experience. Population will keep on increasing from international migration and natural growth. There is no way out that they will be living on street, hence they will create more demand for housing thus creating high rental demand and job creation. To support this more and more investment properties will be required. To meet the demand government will always encourage investors to invest more in property and support the infrastructural needs in lieu of giving tax deductions to investors to invest in properties.

After all our experience and observation, we have realised by now to invest in fast developing suburbs or/and suburbs of potential development growth to maximise our investment returns in long term. Now the question is how to know about them, best answer is to do your own research and get yourself educated from an experienced property investment company who specialise in the field of investment and try to understand their research work and anticipated investment stops. It only takes only one decision to regret in future or to make well educated decision with expert support.

It’s the time to evaluate your borrowing capacity and explore the potential options to invest based on your borrowing and serviceability. If the borrowing is less than $450,000 then there are good options to invest in Tasmania or Queensland, if borrowing is above $450,000 than Melbourne outer suburbs will be good to invest. Race for utilising investment opportunity is still on and if its missed now will be missed for long time.

Domain Group report suggest Ballarat to be the next fast-growing market after Melbourne with new mass scale development and urgent need to skilled labour. Ballarat being an affordable options most of the first time investors is an attractive spot for investor with no or low equity and serviceability of up to $450,000.

Find out more about the best area to invest in properties in Australia, please contact Fortune 8 Property Investments on 0415 602 188 . Fortune 8 Property Investments consultants will educate you with more than 30 years of property investment knowledge for FREE and assist you with each step of your investment.

Newspaper - The Herald Sun Sunday - 07/02/2016

Newspaper - The Herald Sun Sunday - 07/02/2016