• Property Wealth Check

    Position yourself in the best starting place

We offer an expert property wealth check prior to property selection to position you in the best starting place. With up to date financial information and sophisticated property research, we assure you the best utilization of your leverage.

Maximize Your Borrowing Capacity in 4 Steps

Step 01

Our free Consultation session helps you to discover your needs and objectives. All your questions are answered by an experienced F8 property strategist. We also work out the best strategy to achieve these objectives, whether it is using equity or superannuation or both. We present high level cash flows in order to give you a clear idea as to how this strategy and our services will complement and help them achieve their objectives.

Step 02

Analysing the affordability for maximum borrowing capacity to discover the boundaries and combine both strategies to see the best and final result to position you with the best short-term and long-term strategies to begin the purchasing steps will meet the finance specialist and or the financial planners to confirm all the numbers.

Step 03

We revisit everything from Step 01 & 02 and make sure that everything is clear and understood. We also look at different property opportunities and discuss them in details. We make sure that you are fully aware of the services available to them including our added value services.

Step 04

We reserve the property that best suits your requirements and start the journey to wealth creation through investment properties. This is the last step but this doesn’t mean that it is the end of your interaction with us, we will be monitoring and making sure that all of your investment strategies are running within set parameters to ensure a strong portfolio on an ongoing basis as part of the no cost services we will provide.
