Pay your home loan much faster by owing an Investment Property

Yes! You read it right!

You can pay your home loan in 7 – 8 years by utilising the cash flow benefits through your investment property/properties. If you think if it difficult for you to buy investment property than have a reflection on your property equity, you will find your answers there.

Many Australians don’t realise that they can use their equity to buy multiple investment properties provided they have serviceability for loan repayment. If they understand they tend not to resist to buy more properties.

Buying an investment property can help in paying your home loan faster as it creates a significant cash flow benefits instead of being an overhead additional cost to your life style. On other hand, investment property serves a secure physical investment compared to shares or other digital investment. Investment property also serves as a security for a rainy day like losing for extended period job, permanent disability or death etc.

Many people don’t realise that having an offset account/Line of Credit Account linked directly to home loan account can help in reducing the interest of the home massively and can also help in reducing principle much faster by additional cash flow generated through investment property benefits.

Linking Offset/Line of Credit Account linking it to home loan account and feeding it with salaries, rental income, taxation incentives and bonuses can reduce the interest calculated on the home loan and excess cash flow can be transferred to the home loan to reduce principle much faster.

Just by small restructuring of finance can end up making to have more investment properties and helping you pay off your debt much faster.

You don’t have to wait for saving for long time from your fixed salary but can also draw cash from your home equity and maximise the utilisation of your leverage to create more wealth and cash flow. To pursue this structure, it is highly recommended to follow advice to experienced financial planner and property investment advisor/consultant to reduce the risk. And be well educated about the different financial model suitable to your financial needs and objectives.

Getting professional support & guidance is much wiser than trying yourself and being wrong to risk your future. We have seen heaps of clients over time benefiting massively using this structure and have created huge property investment portfolio over times.

Find out more about the best area to invest in properties in Australia, please contact Fortune 8 Property Investments on 0415 602 188 . Fortune 8 Property Investments consultants will educate you with more than 30 years of property investment knowledge for FREE and assist you with each step of your investment.